2 thoughts on “April Announcement Survey Results

  1. Thank you, Emily, for sharing the results of the USU April survey. I do have a comment or two regarding this.

    First, it was not clear at the beginning of the survey that there was only ONE question on the survey. For me this was a big problem because I was trying to space my responses. How many other respondents were in the same situation, not able to give their complete response. I found a way to go back into the survey on my phone to add to my response.

    My second comment has to do with what I thought the USU Strategic Planning Committee was supposed to do, which they did NOT do: I thought they were supposed to come up with several possible ways to “reimagine” the ASL/English Bi-Bi program. Instead, what it appears is that the Committee decided on one plan to propose and require cooperation from the Utah deaf educational system without letting them help create the deaf Ed Bi-Bi USU teacher program. That doesn’t make sense to me.

    Who is on the Strategic Planning Committee ? Why aren’t stakeholders on it ? Why the secrecy? I thought Dr. Karen Munoz promised transparency ? Transparency hasn’t happened for this phase of including stakeholders and devising several ideas for reimagining this program.

    I would like to see them start over and come up with several possibilities from which to choose.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you so much Bronwyn! Many good points and questions. I have asked a few of these questions on behalf of the community and haven’t received clear answers yet. Part of that could be because this process is new. I think it’s also a difference between the academic world and the rest of us — their goals compared to ours.

    But I am hoping my next post about the progress and process will provide at least more of the picture. I’m not sure how much the Stragetic Planning Committee reads what we share here, but many of your thoughts and questions are great. I’m happy to pass them along and see what information we can get back.


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