Dr. Geeslin,

Thank you for your letter and the helpful statistics speaking to teaching needs and programs. This will be valuable information as we pursue our strategic planning process. In short, we will be planning future offerings/programming that is centered on the needs of the Deaf community, specifically those who use sign language to communicate. I cannot predict what exact form of programming or recommendations will emerge from the process; but, I have made clear to the department that the strategic planning process is to involve stakeholder input and that the goal should be to come out of the process in a stronger position to meet community needs than we have previously. The information you share speaks directly to community need and is appreciated.

Continuing our previous program is not tenable. As you know given your role, stewardship of an academic program goes beyond what is offered in the classroom, and also extends to various administrative, compliance, and other responsibilities. The program suspension was driven by the latter matters, which have implications for program quality, trustworthiness, etc. over the long term. Those responsible for administering the degree program were insufficiently responsive with respect to the accreditation and other requirements of maintaining an academic program (over a period of years). I could not reinforce this and very much regret being placed in the position to make the suspension decision.

Thank you for sharing your important and informed perspective.

Al Smith

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